Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 37

So I may have over-estimated myself in thinking that I could write every single day.  So I am going to give myself a break and not demand a perfect record this year.  Today I had to share a wonderful quote that I heart at church. The talk was on marriage and relationships...
"marriage is like a diaper.  We put nasty stuff into because of our immaturity and inability to control ourselves and then we throw it away." 
This is awesome and can apply to all relationships.  We will get out of them what we put in and it is up to us to respect, forgive and love those around us.  If everyone took this attitude think of the world we would live in today!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 30

A long drive home today (12 hours) and a long time to sit and think about things... this is not necessarily a good thing. It just means longer to get myself all worked up! In the last month I have really paid attention to how I treat people.  I have had to bite my tongue many times in situations that I would normally have a lot to say but it has gotten easier.  If I have offended anyone in the last couple of weeks... I sincerely apologize.  I am trying and will continue to try harder!

Day 29

I have to wonder why people do what they do sometimes.  It can be very hurtful and I doubt they even know how much.  I guess the only thing I am in control of is how I deal with it.  Do I let myself get upset and hold it against them or do I let it go.  The smart thing is to let it go but the natural thing is to be ticked off! I guess that is part of growing up and becoming a better person... doing the smart thing instead of the natural thing!

Day 28

Another day at Lagoon! It was hotter and busier than yesterday so we decided to don the swimsuits and head to the water park. Much more enjoyable staying cool!  I must admit that I have been guilty in the past of missing out on fun memories because I was too embarrassed to get my swimsuit on.  I looked at our family scrapbooks and realized that I wasn't in them! I made the decision to get over it and start getting involved~   That doesn't mean it is easy to surrender this mother of 10 body to the public eye but I do it anyway!

Day 27

Today was a very fun day at Lagoon with the kids.  The lines were short and we were able to ride everything we wanted.  It was fun to watch Emma as she loved all the roller coasters that she is now tall enough to ride.  It can be exhausting keeping up with her all the time, the energy is endless! But watching her enjoying life is also refreshing.  Wouldn't it be nice if we could all do that?!